HIPAA Training Certification

Complete Required HIPAA Training by following the below instructions: 

1. Select this link to go directly to the HIPAA Certification page, after logging onto the EDGE Learning system with your UA NetID and password.

2. Select the dropdown under "Path Details" to select the English or Spanish training, then select "Register"

3. Select "Complete Registration", then close the confirmation popup window

4. Select "Launch" and complete the training by viewing 100% of the module and answering any questions you encounter

For questions about access or to request any disability-related accommodations that will facilitate your full participation on these workshops, such as ASL interpreting, CART captioning, captioned videos, Braille, wheelchair access, or electronic text, etc., please contact the RDI Training & Education Team at RDI-Training@email.arizona.edu.



PDF version of Registration and Recertification instructions for Edge Learning can be found here.  HIPAA Training Registration/Recertification Instructions